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The Schindler house was constructed by Rudoplh Schindler in collaboration with contractor Clyde Chace. The planning concept was largely influenced by Rudolph's wife, Pauline, and her convictions with the revisionist lifestyle. Together they reorganized the traditional single family home program and layout. "Schindler set forth the basic tenets of his architectural philosophy, which he called "Space Architecture.' [1] "I consider myself the first and still one of the few architects who consciously abandoned stylistic sculptural architecture in order to develop space as a medium of art..." [ 4 ]

Schindler was influenced to incorporate slab-tilt construction from architect Irving Gill. Schindler regarded Gill as an innovator, and the only architect moving past the Spanish Colonial revival most common in Southern California.

"Schindler was particularly fascinated by Gill’s work in tilt-slab construction, in which concrete walls were poured into molds and tilted into place on site after curing. The pastoral serenity of Wright’s Taliesin and the industrial efficiency of Gill’s tilt-slab concrete would ultimately come together in the designs Schindler began drawing up in November 1921. " [ 3 ] The plan took shape as a pinwheel with three wings, each structure spreading out like roots into the landscape. [ 3 ]

The SFH program was ratified to support two families, and more explicitly four individuals. "There were four rooms, one for each person to express his or her individuality." [ 2 ] Each person's studio was planned with an adjacent patio and shared communal space which was designed to unite the home. Construction would consist of four-foot modules used to form standardized slab-tilt wall construction. [ 2 ]

Schindler's skill as a contractor grew as the construction process unfolded. "On April 22 Schindler told Pauline, "now a few slabs won't 'tilt' - they stick - and we shall have to use wedges." He reported that he could, "…not get carpenters - two came today - looked the job over - got scared - and ran -…" [ 2 ] Schindler would eventually get the process down to a science. Though each individual space is unique in the King Road House, all are united in proportion and in architectural aesthetic. Schindler characterized the design as a “cooperative dwelling for two young couples:” [ 2 ]

"R. M. Schindler was among the great pioneers of modern architecture in this country. His work was not only great in itself but had a lasting influence for the good in later modern development. His single minded devotion fo the main principles of architecture was extraordinary and should serve as an example to the younger architects of our time." [ 4 ]

- Philip C. Johnson


1. ^ Schindler House : History (November 1 2015)

"The Schindler House"

2. ^ MAK (November 1 2015)

"The Schindler House"

3. ^ Fiederer, Luke (March 16 2016)

AD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler"

3. ^ Ain, Gregory (May1954)

"Kings Road Hollywood"

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